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  • Owners of Rowley Park

Pleasure Gardens Update

Dear Owners and Residents, 

This has been a very difficult season and work in the Pleasure Gardens has not been able to proceed as planned. Since October the high level of rainfall has saturated the ground and in addition to this the run-off from the road has made the use of heavy equipment impossible.


Hopefully, the worst of the rain is over and the planned work can begin. This Thursday Adam Campbell will be installing land drains and two soak-aways in the worst of the waterlogged areas on the Lawn Road side of the garden. He will also install a path from the gate by the post box through to the first lawn. These measures will help manage the level of water and mud and will make visiting the garden more pleasurable.


Lyndon Marr will finish cutting back and clearing the ivy, the self- seeded hollies and the elder, and seed the open areas with grass seed suitable for shade.


Green Space will start to cut the grass this Friday but because of the wet condition of the lawns they will probably just strim some of the emerging growth and make an assessment of the state of the grass.


No doubt there will be a hosepipe ban sometime arounds June!


If you would like more information about the above or any aspect of work in the Pleasure Gardens please get in touch.


Roisin Chambers

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